Thursday, August 10, 2006


In the past two days, I've received notices from Botswana, Ireland, the UK (three times, no less!), Germany, Spain, and Malaysia that I, Tanya Wilder, am the grand-prize winner in their country's biggest lottery ever!! Whooppee!!! When I total up the sums (if my math and conversion tables are correct), I calculate that I've won almost 300 million dollars!! And, the only thing I have to do is submit my e-mail address to begin receiving payments from the several off-shore banks that will be handling my winnings from the respective countries.

And, if winning in multi-national lotteries weren't enough, several folks from across the globe have notified me that a wealthy family member of theirs has passed on to the "great cash flow land in the sky" and left me mega-sums of money as well. Again, it's a simple matter of a "click" and voilá, the money's mine. Isn't that special??? How could I be so lucky???

Once I have the cash I've won or inherited in hand, I'll notify all of you who are kind enough to read my blog, and we'll have one fantastic party on my personal yacht as we sail off into the sunset toward some tropical island I plan on purchasing.

Until then....Cheerio...!!

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