Saturday, July 09, 2011


He's rectangular and golden, like a long loaf of freshly baked bread, 
He's short, with squatty but stocky legs....
His nose is long, with a large grey freckle underneath his white snout hair...
His shoulders and rump muscles are firm and strong, the result of chasing a stick and barreling after his friend, Paco...
His face portrays his every emotion -  99% of the time, he wears a smile that melts one's heart.  The other 1% of the time, the look's a dead giveaway that's he's been into something forbidden, like my flower beds....
His eyes, as if penciled with the finest eyeliner, sparkle with love and happiness...
He talks a lot - at times with a grunt of approval or a morning wake-up call....
And, he barks - loudly, repeatedly, shrilly, when he gets excited or senses cows crossing the upper field....
He harrasses the cats, only to realize they have him figured out and really don't pay him much heed...
He loves his treats, his favorite a blueberry and apple dog biscuit that cleans his teeth and freshens his doggie food breath.
Many mornings on our walk, he finds something (like a plastic flower pot, a pine cone, an old stick or one of his toys) and searches for the perfect spot to bury it and then cover the burial site with leaves or sticks he pushes around with his nose....
He's a great fan of barn swallows and loves to watch them zoom down at and around him...
His passion for playing non-stop with a stick surpasses his desire to eat when hungry, and he leads me to his stick every time I step outside.

And oh, how he smiles and makes me laugh.....all the time....

He's a happy boy, and I'm a happy person...!!

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