Friday, April 18, 2008


The blogging world is full of wonderful spaces where folks express their creativity, their sense of humor, their love of nature, their philosophical musings, etc. My office mate, Mary Ann, has an extensive list of creative folks' blogs on her site, and it is through her that I've come to be a huge fan of Mrs. G, blogger extraordinaire of Derfwad Manor.

There's a great video on Mrs. G's most recent post that I recommend to everyone. It's about cats and engineers. For anyone who lives cats and/or knows an engineer, it's especially appropriate. Check it out, and continue to explore Derfwad Manor. Mrs. G is sure to make you laugh!

Off to go outside and cut the grass....The day couldn't be more perfect!


Unknown said...

Hi Senora!

Good to hear from you! I just saw Case a few weeks ago out in CA. The 10 year reunion is set for August. August 29th and 30th (Labor Day weekend). Not sure that I'm going to attend since it's a trek back from Boston.

Hope to catch up with you the next time I'm in town. What's your email these days?

Very Mary said...

I can't wait to meet that wacky G this summer. She's insanely wry. I love it.