Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today has been a classic winter day here in the Mid-Ohio Valley. I awoke this morning to about 3" of snow, and it didn't take much self-convincing to talk myself into staying at home today rather than venture out in the mess. I've had a bit of a cold, some achy body moments, and a lame, but persistent, cough, so it has been a tea, nap, and do nothing day here at the farm.

In preparation for my trip to NC this weekend, I took advantage of the day to think out what I need to have ready to talk to my father when I see him. I am embarrassed to confess that he's been rude, mean, and hurtful to my mom, the woman who has cared for him 24/7 since the diagnosis of his illness 30+ years ago. He's crossed the line for passive tolerance of his antics, and although I can still access huge compassion for his situation, I am about done with his nastiness. The dilemma of not knowing for sure how much he understands has vanished for me since it's obvious he thoroughly understands what he's doing. I seek patience and the right words to let him know that his words and actions are inappropriate and unacceptable. Feathers might fly when the two of us meet....It won't be the first time, that's for sure.

I remind myself that this time of the year is when all humankind in our hemishpere should be in our caves, hibernating and resting until the light of spring beckons us to emerge. Today, here at the farm alone, has been just a taste of how much I would love to stay in a couple more days, weeks, or a month.....

1 comment:

Very Mary said...

I am sending "SNOW DAY" vibes out to the universe at 1:30 in the morning. Maybe they'll come through by 6?