Friday, September 14, 2007


After hanging out for almost a week with the kittens and really observing their antics and personality, I have decided I must make a change in their names yet again.

These guys are never still, and their kitten-ness has provided some hard core belly laughs around here. Their inquisitiveness, catspunk, incessant energy, and penchant for "stupid cat tricks" crack me up, and I laugh at them like I laugh at Chief Inspecteur Jacques Clousseau and his bumblings.

So, in honor of my favorite movie character of all times, I've officially changed Ed's name to Clousseau, and Norge now becomes Cato, Clousseau's sparring partner and side-kick.

Clousseau Wilder does things like jump after a fly and land in the water bowl while Cato takes quite unexpected dips in the toilet as he swats at the water inside the bowl. Tuesday evening, Clousseau crouched down on the side of the bed to attack Cato, and when Cato walked by, Clousseau took a flying leap, right off the side of the bed. And yesterday, Cato's curiosity led him to get shut inside the dishwasher while Clousseau was scoping out the refrigerator.

These two represent the best of unadulterated innocence and play....In serious moments, Clousseau and Cato will come to my rescue, I'm sure.

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