Tuesday, December 08, 2009


The holidays are upon us, and here at The Farm, we seek to manifest total joy and peace as we move toward Solstice, Christmas, and the New Year. The greening of the house is in progress, our Christmas tree is soaking up some preservative in the garage before we put it up, and as always, I'm contemplating when I'll get shopping done....a last minute thing for me always...

Today's list.....

1. Joy at the thought Samuel will be home for Christmas...the first time in a year....I can't wait!

2. Joy at the thought Eliza will return to The Farm in a few days to spend Christmas. When she's at her dad's, I miss her immensely.

3. Joy at the thought Joe is a permanent fixture at The Farm.

4. Joy at the thought Samuel, Eliza, Mom, Myra, and I will be in Boone together for Christmas Day.

5. Joy at the thought of sitting by the fire with the Christmas tree lights aglow.

6. Joy at the thought of New Year's Eve again here at The Farm.

7. Joy, great joy, in feeling the love all around.

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