Saturday, July 22, 2006


I'm waking up this morning to the sound of a gentle and much needed rain outside. I've decided to take a lazy morning since the trip home from Philadelphia was a bit longer than expected...about three hours longer, to be exact. (See the official blog vent that follows.)

The state of Pennsylvania gets the award for worst exit markings off interstates, particularly the PA Turnpike, in the nation. In addition, if one misses an exit, there is NO, let me repeat, NO way to turn around until the next exit, which might be 65 miles down the road. Therefore, when I missed the exit to Bedford, MD, Eliza and I ended up in Somerset, PA and had to take a winding back road through the PA /MD mountains that eventually got us to the road we needed to get back on our route.

Thankfully, the "scenic route" did indeed prove to be a truly scenic one. Along the way, we saw a series of HUGE windmills across the mountaintops in the distance, beautiful farms nestled back in the valleys, and sweet little villages with homes that looked like they were built in the 1800's. Eliza reminded me to breathe in the moment and enjoy the hiatus from interstate traffic, and so we did....

The time in Philadelphia was great...we simply hung out with Bobbi and Isabella and loved every minute of it...did some yoga and pilates..shopped a bit...went to the pool to escape the heat...took a couple of good walks with my camera...laughed and laughed and laughed...

It's good to be at home....hope to get to the Y to exercise later this afternoon....then to buy some groceries....After that, we might have an afternoon of movie after movie since it's too wet to mow....

Off to get the day going....The world's in such a mess that it seems like a good day to meditate on peace, so I send it everyone's way....


PD: Photo from a dry cleaners window in Philly...I related to the glazed eye look after nine hours of driving...

1 comment:

AthensRomantic said...

Glad you're home, Grace (and E)! Sorry the trip home was so stressful....breathe...breathe....breathe...