Saturday, February 15, 2014


The Week In Review: I've had a very good week, and I'm a happy me. As I sit at the computer now, snow's swirling outside after an additional 2" fell over night.  Two corgis are playing "I Can Bark Louder than You" at the base of the stairs, and I'm into my second cup of coffee. 

It's silent outside, just the way I love a good snowy morning.....

Here's a summary of the last 7 days:

1. Last Saturday, I met Emma, a sweet, beautiful little red-headed girl whose mom brought her to see Dr. Insecta. Emma, who has some physical and cognitive challenges, liked spiders, and she really liked coming to see Dr. Insecta. Emma touched my heart, as well as Dr. Insecta's. Her photo with Dr. Insecta made it on the Evergreen Arts & Humanities Facebook page!

2. I've witnessed people all over the country respond to a spur-of-the-moment call to help people in WV who need water. Two students, Jake and Kristian, really came through during the project: Jake purchased $50 of water for the cause, saving me from having to do it, and Kristian donated his Friday morning to loading and then unloading almost 700 gallons of water. I love solidarity; I love introducing people to the effectiveness of grass roots activism, and I especially love the idea that people are willing to help others. 

3. Students in my small writing class showed great progress, as well as a willingness to try a rather challenging assignment. I am venturing away from the established syllabus and creating my own approach to instruction in this class.  I firmly believe that when given enough example and encouragement, anyone can learn to write, and by crackies, we're going for it! 

4. I read and re-read the love notes people long ago wrote on Valentines that are now a part of my collection - sweet, sweet expressions of love. The old-fashioned names, like Pearl, Delbert, Tilley, and Lester, bring smiles to my face, as do their flirtatious messages that had to be a little daring for the time! 

5. The corgis and I have had some great play, and I see an improvement in MerryBelle's gimpy leg, thank goodness. Mac is an absolute hoot as he bounces through the drifts.  His coat has thickened by several layers, and the cold is as refreshing to him as air conditioning is to people on a scorching summer day. I'm using the snow as physical therapy for MerryBelle and her lame knees / hips.  She can't run in leaps and bounds in the snow, which is good at this point, but it does provide strength conditioning as she plows her way after Mac.

6. Flocks of bluebirds have greeted me every day as I've driven down the driveway, their blue a beautiful color against the snowy landscape. I really don't recall seeing large quantities of them this early in the year here at the farm,, and I welcome their return.  

7. My orchids are glorious, and my African violets are thriving, despite sitting in the draft of the heating grate. In a couple of weeks, I should have 8 orchids in full bloom.  Today, I'm headed out to bring in the amaryllises for repotting.  I quite behind on bringing them out, I must confess.

8. My family's thriving: Eliza's undergraduate research has been acknowledged in a paper presented in Hiroshima, Japan, and Samuel got word of an impending publication. Nothing brings me more satisfaction than witnessing the lives of my children. Both are thriving at the moment, and for that, I offer a thousand thanks a second to the Universe. Mom, at  95, continues to amaze me--she's healthy, active enough, involved in the lives of those she loves, and spirited (on the borderline of stubborn) in her ideas. What a blessing! 

9. I've really, really enjoyed the snow this winter. Deep within, I associate the feeling to being in Boone as a child during some of our snowy winters. There have been a couple of days when snow sparkles really ignited joy in my heart. For one who has a tendency to plummet during the winter, succumbing to SAD, the snow's bright reflection and the silence/peace  of snowy days at home have made for a peaceful, productive (somewhat) Farm Mom.

10. Knitting needles have been clicking, and yarn has been sliding through my fingers. As evidenced in other aspects of my life, I have several unfinished projects in the works. The older I get, the more I realize I'm prone to begin many projects with undetermined completion times!

The list could go on and on, but I'm eager to get outdoors, feed the birds, check out the lay of the land, and plan my day, which MUST include a bit of cleaning!

Love to all on this day after Valentines!

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