Sunday, March 02, 2014


I'll begin this post by stating I realize the practices that guide my life are not necessarily mainstream. No surprise to those who know me, right? 

I don't profess to follow a scripted set of religious precepts, yet I know in my heart I'm profoundly connected to universal truths - - love, kindness, compassion, service - all good things in the eyes of most "believers," I think.  I try, although not always successfully, to do no harm...a lesson in progress, always.

I am so connected to the Earth that I think I should grow roots. In the cycling of the seasons, I find answers to questions that befuddle my limited understanding as a humble being whose time on the planet will be truly insignificant in the long run. Birds, animals, flowers, trees, bugs, mountains, the ocean, the wind...they all massage my soul...bring me peace....enlighten and expand my mind. I need space and solitude as much as others need close connection and interaction.  I don't mean to say I don't enjoy being around and connecting with other folks; I just have to have time and a place to recharge - perhaps "more than the average bear." Give me the choice of sitting in the woods for an hour with my camera in hand or equal time in a crowded shopping mall, and it's a no-brainer where one would find me.

To the utter frustration of many, I resist commitment to time frames and calendars - organization and orderliness that others find necessary in their lives. My experience, for the most part, has always been that adventures always present themselves: following a strict itinerary could perhaps preclude experiencing a spontaneously amazing moment . Have I missed opportunities as a result of not planning ahead from time to time?  Yes, no doubt.  BUT,  have I experienced many, many more amazing free-formed moments as a result of my spur-of-the-moment nature?  Oh, yeah...I resist being tied down on all levels.

Models of courage and conviction inspire me. Likewise, I remain in awe of and intrigued by differences, even those that present a wide gap in common ground between my vision and the opposite.  As long as I can find a small morsel of  commonality, I can pretty much hang out....


the uncommon ground begins to define itself in terms of intolerance.  Lack of civility and decency begin to surface.  

Recently in the area where I live, a young Muslim woman was intimidated by a person who stopped her on the street and shoved a cross in her face. Likewise, my state representative was part of a group who had legislation poised for introduction that would make room within the law for discrimination.  (The sponsors withdrew the bill once a similar bill in Arizona was vetoed by Governor Jan Brewer.) I won't waste time reiterating other examples of unkindness (ignorance, perhaps a better noun here), for doing so hurts my heart and elevates my blood pressure.

So, my questions become these: What is there about human existence that contorts and twists and denigrates our understanding of each other?  Is it within the power of our species to reach lasting, harmonious, respectful co-existence? I want to emphasize I am not suggesting all people be alike, believe alike, etc. I am suggesting, however, there is power in peaceful thought and action....there is value in the idea of decency and compassion.....there is possibility in changing the way we do business with others that would greatly benefit all.....

A simple starting point......

Your thoughts??

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