Dr. Tom actually found the second prize of the week at Salvation, and I think he paid about $2.00 for this McCoy Hyacinth vase that values $100 - $125 in the McCoy price list book. We hit Salvation Army about the time the sweet ladies who work there were shelving items from an older lady's house, and Tom grabbed this vase before it got out of the employee's hands. He gave it to me since he's more of a glass collector than pottery. (By the way, Dr. Tom is probably one of the most giving people I've ever known. He really represents the best of "non-attachment" to material things. And, he has a GREAT eye for beauty and beautiful objects.) I'll hang on to this find as well. I think it would be a great for Eliza as she sets up her hope chest.
One of my many summer goals is to get my Etsy shop up and running. I'm becoming overrun with thrifting treasures, and I love to put nice objects together artistically, whether they are of the same pattern or not. I understand mixing and matching vintage objects is quite the trend these days, so once I get started, I should pull in some extra cash. If not, then I'll just enjoy my finds here at The Farm.
Stay tuned.....
Ooooh, I love that freesia vase, you lucky thing!
Poor E, I'll only be able to donate 50s aprons and old sheet music to her hope chest. What a lame friend. ha!
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