For a very brief moment, I was quite flattered with the thought that these little creatures might have considered me their "queen" for the afternoon, but that quickly passing thought transformed into a level of PANIC as I realized it appeared these frantic little insects with stingers looked like they wanted to land on ME !!!!!!! YIKES!!!
Time stood still. In a matter of no more than 3 seconds, I contemplated racing into the house

Every cell in my body rang the panic alarm, but in the back of my mind, I heard my own voice, telling the kids to be like a rock when the bees buzzed around them. So that's what I did; I stood absolutely still and pretended I was a huge (and petrified!!-no pun intended) rock that held no appeal whatsoever for the millions of bees buzzing around me.
As quickly as they came to check me out, they took in unison. I suppose the real queen flew by, and her admirers realized I was not the woman of their passion and devotion. THANK GOD!!!
My trembling legs got me to the house, where I promptly opened a bottle of wine and toasted to my good luck. I did venture out a few minutes later to see if I could locate the swarm, but the bee clan apparently decided to move on, and that was totally OK by me !!!!!
Tanya! I totally got stung today! I haven't been stung by anything since I was like 7 years old! Wow! What a story! Wow wow wow!
Um, Tanya? You are the bravest woman I know. Not only would I have screamed, panicked, ran like hell, and generally freaked out, I also would have peed my pants and cried. And then maybe a nervous breakdown. Right then and there. I'm so impressed by your natural intuition. You petrified rock, you.
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