Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Life is better on the farm when the irises bloom.  It's been a rainy, rainy May.  Despite the deluges, farm irises have opened and greatly lessened the heaviness of gray skies and chilly temps with their beauty and subtle essence.
Some people I know don't tolerate irises because they're almost impossible to keep weeds from co-habiting their bed and because they require almost yearly thinning and replanting. Their beauty trumps both annoyances for me: I think they're spectacular.



This little, bright yellow iris is one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, and this year, it opened in March. It came from the home of an older friend who passed away close to 20 years ago and has multiplied to the point where I have to dig and divide them every year.

Although this beauty has a pale blue cast, it's officially listed as a white species.

Subtle yellow -  one of my favorite colors

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