On this quiet Sunday morning, the Farm Mom and all the Farm Critters have once again awakened a to snow-covered Earth. When the rather heavy squalls subside, the sun pokes through the passing clouds, and the snow sparkles like a layer of glittery tiny stars all over the land. When the blustery winds return moments later, visibility is such that the road at the end of the driveway isn't discernible, the birds retreat to the thick underbrush, and every animal unfortunate enough to be outside comes to meow and scratch incessantly on the glass door, beseeching me to let them in. I'm a sucker, so one by one, in they come, and once again, they rule the roost in their demands for food, milk, comfort and affection (which I lavish upon them excessively until someone starts scratching on the sofa or tries to make a game out of my knitting!) Just a moment ago, Mr. BlueJay perched on the limb just outside the window as if to implore me to let his avian friends in as well, but he decided better when Loonis jumped up on the window sill. He's a smart cookie!

Kwan Yin's into her icicle bindhi, snow stole, and winter top knot. Her patience with the elements serves as a good reminder that complaints are useless. As Grandma Ruth would say, "You can't control the elements, so you might as well just hush up." This winter has tested the
lady's resolve, and her mellowness always wins out. Her mantra, (one she reminds me of multiple times a day) - - When in doubt, mellow out! (She learned it from our friend, Sherm.) holds great wisdom, and in my humaness, I try my best to listen.
The Farm prayer flags have also taken a beating lately, but I feel sure the winter weather's no worse here than in their native Nepal from where Brett brought them back a year ago or so. In their presence, I'm reminded of Papa, Grandma Sara, Granddaddy Marv, Gunner, Marvelous Cat, Dover, Ghost, Helen, Granddaddy Shook, Uncle Robert, Tornado, Ita, and countless others who bless The Farm from the spirit world. It's so true - those who are no longer incarnate on the planet do not cease to live...they just take another form, and here on The Farm, they fly in the wind, bathe in the rain, soak in the sun, grow in the Earth, and rest in the silence.
A lovely post ... and I love your prayer flags. Peace.
LOVE the condition of the prayer flags. This sort of weather simply disperses your prayers more efficiently. Just think, the more they disintegrate, the more your prayers enter the aether...
I need prayer flags! have wanted to have them in the yard for years now.
That pic of the Buddha with the red background is really nice. Good job!
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