On this date in history fifty years ago, my sister, Myra Shook, was born in Watauga Hospital in Boone, NC.
I have three vivid memories associated with her birth. The first is an image of my mother within a week of Myra's arrival. It must have been the annual Christmas Program at the First Presbyterian Church, and I can see my mom standing up on a little stage with the Nursery Class. She was leading the little kids in singing a Christmas song, and I remember thinking her tummy looked really, really huge.
The night before Myra was born, I remember seeing Mom, who I recognize now was in the early stages of labor, reclining back on the end of the sofa in the den of our house on Stansbury Circle. She told me she just might have to go to the hospital later on. And sure enough, the next morning, Myra was born.
And, I have a "feeling memory" of holding Myra by myself for the first time. I knew I wouldn't drop her and I didn't need help holding her. I'm not sure if I held her at the hospital or once she got home. I just remember how neat it felt to hold my little sister. I remember talking about having a new baby sister in Miss Putnam's 1st grade class.

December 13, 1985
Twenty-two years ago today, Samuel was born at 7:20 AM (give or take a few minutes) in Marietta Memorial Hospital. His dad actually delivered him after only five hours of painless labor and birth. From the moment of his conception, I knew I was going to have a son, and Myra, aka Tita, announced the moment she found out I was pregnant that he would be born on her birthday. They've always been two Sagitarrian peas in a pod.
Always referenced as Basil prior to his arrival, Samuel entered the world with ease. By noon of the day he was born, his dad, Bobbi, and I had him at home in front of a fire in our big room. Penny, our dalmatian/blue tick hound and without a doubt the most unintelligent animal to live at the farm, guarded his bed faithfully, as he and I spent every day of his first 2 months together.
I spent part of the afternoon today going through old photos, and some of the ones with Samuel with his blanket clothespinned around his chin with Batman ears stuck on his head are priceless! I also was browsing through my photo folder on my computer and took at look back at our Summer 2007 beach trip, admiring the young man he's become. I can hardly believe the little guy who loved to play with Red Wolf, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers will graduate from college in 6 months. I have a fine, loving, fun son. I love him, infinitely so...
December 13, 2007
Tonight, I had Christmas Dinner with Nellie Carr, my friend Sharon's mom, at The Inn (an assisted care facility) here in Marietta. The highlight of the evening was holding Mom Carr's hand while the resident choir sang every Christmas Carol one can imagine. As I watched the older folk in reindeer head bands with jingle bells in hand sing, I felt real Christmas joy, unlike I have in a long time. It was obvious the little choir had rehearsed quite a bit, and they were proud of their efforts. (I imagine every one of the choir members had been a member of his/her church choir at some point in time.) Joy, spunk, and big smiles radiated from each of their faces. It was a special, special evening.
1 comment:
Many happy returns to a wonderful woman and her wonderful family!
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