Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

spent last night at The Farm. We got up this morning, Tom fixed a huge Solstice breakfast, and these two, Eliza, her friend, Shelby, and I had a wonderful time talking around the table in our PJ's. Later, the boys and I hung out for a while before they took off for another friend's home. So good to see these two...so good to sense their happiness...so good to chuckle with them... I love Chintu's grin in this photo.
Lori (right) & her sister,Whitney...

Just having arrived from Maui, Lori (no sleep in the last two days) and her sister stopped by to say hi on their way to buy their mom an alligator saw. When LoriBeth enters the house, laughter and the stories begin. Can't wait to sit down and spend some extended time with this girl. Another farm kid's at home now, and it's really feeling like the holidays are moving into full swing...
Eliza & Shelby..(no photo available)
Eliza and Shelby were out until 12:30 AM last evening and finally got to sleep around 3:00 AM. When Lori arrived around 2:30 PM today, these two had not gotten out of their PJ's, washed their faces, or combed their hair. I do have a group shot of the four girls together, but as a favor to E. & S., I'll save it in the family archives.
Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007
December 20, 2007
For the first time in a good while, morning has broken with bright sun in the sky, frost-covered grass twinkling in the light, and a flawless blue sky. I’m at home with two purring kittens who snooze on the computer table as I write and two corgis who long for a walk in the back field…..a silent, peaceful winter morning on Solstice Eve.
In a nutshell, here’s a look back at 2007 with the Wilders and farm family….
Eliza started the year with a nasty bout of mono that zapped her for a good three weeks. Fortunately, she’s rebounded and is the picture of health now. With as much objectivity as a very proud mom can muster, Eliza’s beauty and grace on the field as a color guard member with the high school band was amazing. Her band placed in the top third of the competing bands at Grand Nationals in Indianapolis in November, and she was delighted! Long phone calls, weekends with friends, and extended computer conversations on IM every night haven’t impacted her school work, thank goodness. Academically and socially, she’s at the top of her class. :0) Driving on her own is just around the corner! (And that means looking for a job is in the new future,)
Samuel has only one more semester to go until he’s an official college graduate. Appalachian State has been the perfect fit for him, and as he looks toward graduate school in the next few years, I’m confident he’ll be well prepared. He wants to be a novelist; reading and writing are his passions, so I foresee work in creative writing on the graduate level. However, after four years of intense academic demands, a couple of years off seem like a heck of a good idea. Thoughts at the moment are that he’ll stay around the Boone area, do some writing / traveling, etc., and take some time to breathe and play. Employment at The Gap has confirmed that work in retail is NOT the career he chooses to pursue although he was recently named Gap Employee of the Month. (The recipient of the award receives the honor of having his/her photo posted on the wall in the employees' station for a month--Samuel posed for his with greasy hair styled in a comb-over.)
The Philadelphia contingent of the farm family thrives as well. Isabella’s in 2nd grade, and Bobbi’s yoga/pilates/gyro/massage business has grown tremendously. Never one to let a moment pass by without living it to the fullest, Bob’s recently taken up the tuba and plays in a neighborhood band for peace. Isabella recently sang a solo in the school Winter Holidays pageant and stole the show with her on the spot choreography. (For those of you who know Bobbi, Isabella’s her clone!)
I continue to teach at the local community college, direct the arts and humanities series there, and keep up on the farm. The barn’s still standing, and there’s new siding on the house. Despite the summer’s drought, I had a huge and fairly successful garden and some rather spectacular flowers. Plans for the coming year include taking a break from my adjunct position at Marietta College to work on a Student Activities Manual for the Conexiones series at Prentice Hall. Something tells me I’ve jumped from the skillet into the fire, but I’ve got my fingers crossed that I can graduate from the activities manual into a more lucrative position with the company. That certainly bodes well for thoughts of retirement in the next 5 – 10 years. And, I continue to faithfully work with human rights issues in Cuba. (Hopefully one of these days, the Christmas letter will include an invitation to come visit me on the beaches of the island…don’t hold your breath, however!)
I think the family vote for the Highlight of 2007 award would go to our vacation week at the beach in Avalon, NJ in June. Samuel, Eliza, Joe Davis, and I drove to Philadelphia, met Bobbi and Isabella, and headed off to the shore where we completely relaxed for a week, played lots of bocci ball, cooked up some good food, rode the cheesy rides in Ocean City, hung out in our unique beach garb every day, and laughed, laughed, laughed.
As I reflect back on the last 12 months, once again I am in awe of life. Here at The Farm, we’re all happy, well, and thriving. What a blessing! We’ve laughed much, much more than we’ve cried; we’ve made wonderful memories; we’ve honored those who have moved into the world of spirit; and we’ve rejoiced at the good news of births, engagements, degrees completed, new jobs, etc. for our beloved ones. Our extended farm family remains close, and their love always vibrates in the house.
So, our wish to all from The Farm this holiday season: be merry, imagine, and rejoice as we move into the New Year.
Peace & infinite love, to all….
Monday, December 17, 2007
It's amazing to me to think my blog has been viewed 1,000+ times, but then I realize half of those hits have to be mine! :0) :0) Anyway, we've hit the 1,000 benchmark, and it's time to celebrate. Pull out the champagne!
Several years back when life got more than just a little crazy, I totally stopped journaling / writing / drawing / sketching, etc. I just couldn't get my pen / pencils to the paper anymore. As I'm about to reach my 2nd year anniversary with the blog, I'm writing again, and I find I really enjoy chronicling farm news, random thoughts, and observations on "how the world turns." I've figured out how to get my photos posted again. I'm an all round happy camper!
Thank you, Mary Ann, for getting me started, and deep appreciation to those who take the time to visit Namasté from time to time! Stay tuned...
BRRRRRRR...it's cold!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
On this date in history fifty years ago, my sister, Myra Shook, was born in Watauga Hospital in Boone, NC.
I have three vivid memories associated with her birth. The first is an image of my mother within a week of Myra's arrival. It must have been the annual Christmas Program at the First Presbyterian Church, and I can see my mom standing up on a little stage with the Nursery Class. She was leading the little kids in singing a Christmas song, and I remember thinking her tummy looked really, really huge.
The night before Myra was born, I remember seeing Mom, who I recognize now was in the early stages of labor, reclining back on the end of the sofa in the den of our house on Stansbury Circle. She told me she just might have to go to the hospital later on. And sure enough, the next morning, Myra was born.
And, I have a "feeling memory" of holding Myra by myself for the first time. I knew I wouldn't drop her and I didn't need help holding her. I'm not sure if I held her at the hospital or once she got home. I just remember how neat it felt to hold my little sister. I remember talking about having a new baby sister in Miss Putnam's 1st grade class.

December 13, 1985
Twenty-two years ago today, Samuel was born at 7:20 AM (give or take a few minutes) in Marietta Memorial Hospital. His dad actually delivered him after only five hours of painless labor and birth. From the moment of his conception, I knew I was going to have a son, and Myra, aka Tita, announced the moment she found out I was pregnant that he would be born on her birthday. They've always been two Sagitarrian peas in a pod.
Always referenced as Basil prior to his arrival, Samuel entered the world with ease. By noon of the day he was born, his dad, Bobbi, and I had him at home in front of a fire in our big room. Penny, our dalmatian/blue tick hound and without a doubt the most unintelligent animal to live at the farm, guarded his bed faithfully, as he and I spent every day of his first 2 months together.
I spent part of the afternoon today going through old photos, and some of the ones with Samuel with his blanket clothespinned around his chin with Batman ears stuck on his head are priceless! I also was browsing through my photo folder on my computer and took at look back at our Summer 2007 beach trip, admiring the young man he's become. I can hardly believe the little guy who loved to play with Red Wolf, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers will graduate from college in 6 months. I have a fine, loving, fun son. I love him, infinitely so...
December 13, 2007
Tonight, I had Christmas Dinner with Nellie Carr, my friend Sharon's mom, at The Inn (an assisted care facility) here in Marietta. The highlight of the evening was holding Mom Carr's hand while the resident choir sang every Christmas Carol one can imagine. As I watched the older folk in reindeer head bands with jingle bells in hand sing, I felt real Christmas joy, unlike I have in a long time. It was obvious the little choir had rehearsed quite a bit, and they were proud of their efforts. (I imagine every one of the choir members had been a member of his/her church choir at some point in time.) Joy, spunk, and big smiles radiated from each of their faces. It was a special, special evening.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Their wedding date has been set for June 5th in Minnesota! Both will finish out the year at Webb School in CA before tying the knot and heading off to teach abroad. Although Betsey will be away for New Year's Eve, Brett will be here to keep an eye on the pesto pizzas I traditionally forget about once they hit the oven and carry on his tradition as fire tender and the tosser of the last year's tree on the New Year's Bonfire. On a personal note, I delight that the Universe has brought two such amazing and wonderful people together! Betsy's a farm natural--a member of the farm family from the moment she met Brett. Thanks, Brett, for bringing her into our lives!
Following Brett and Betsy's visit, Eliza and I got to spend three wonderful days last week with...Caroline & Joe
These guys have been on a helluva ride this past year and have weathered some of life's most intense moments with extraordinary grace, patience, acceptance, and love. Who would have thought this time last year that Joe would have been diagnosed with throat cancer in May, undergone weeks of chemotherapy and radiation, and returned to his work and shows by early December of this year? With Caroline as his caretaker and greatest support, Joe is back on this feet and well on the mend. I am so, so grateful for having time to hang out with Caro and Joe, for I am always inspired and energized by their presence. They always lighten my heart as they share the gift and blessings of years of friendship and remind me it's possible to find a soulmate out there somewhere.
This weekend, two of Eliza's friends, Kaitlynn and Shelby, have been here at the farm. I don't have photos, but suffice to say, it was two nights of slumber party, lots of junk food, and play. It was great!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Woman in Green Beret
Barbie's Mannequin Cousin
Forlorn Witch
She Comes with a Price
Saturday, December 01, 2007
DECEMBER 1, 2007
Another success story of the day has to do with Eliza's hair. Last night we put henna on it, and in contrast to our attempts with commercial chemical dyes that produced bright and very obviously purple hair rather than the deep red we anticipated, the henna has added a very lovely touch to her long, thick, beautiful hair. In today's sunlight, her had glistened with a very natural-looking reddish glow. I'm feeling like a real beautician! Call for an appointment!
The greatest celebration today, however, is my father's birthday....87 years old!! I called to wish him a happy day, but between his inability to hear and the


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's been a long quarter. My challenge has been to enlighten students who are surprised Castro uses "torcher" in his prisons, as well as others who are delighted that yoga helps them "relive" their stress and ease their "tention." Over the fall, some students suffered with the "flew," but few checked in to get their "assinemants." And, as one of Mary Ann's students observed, "Not many good things come out of Africa." Oh well, all of us in education know we shouldn't pressure students about correct spelling or drawing sound conclusions because doing so might bring about self-esteem issues and cause irreparable psychological damage.
But, the quarter now qualifies as "water under the bridge," and it's time to think about decorating the house for Christmas, getting a few gifts together, doing a little baking, knitting, watching some good movies, and maybe even reading a book. (What a novel thought!--No pun intended..) Walking in the woods sounds great; practicing a little yoga will keep my body from contracting in the cold; sleeping until I want to get up will satisfy my soul.
So, I officially declare the holidays have begun. May all our days be merry and bright as we approach Hannukkah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwaanza, and life in general.
Peace......Love.....Joy.....Magic.....And lots, lots of laughter.....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
If any of my blog readers have any suggestions as to what might be happening with my inability to upload photos after the installation of my new computer, please send some help my way. There were no problems until we installed the new computer, put in a router, and transferred some files from my old computer that's now in Eliza's room. I've read all the help material from blogger.com, I've done all their suggestions, I've called my techie friend, Craig, and I still can't get things to work. I can upload photos from the web, but I am unable to upload photos from my photo folder. This problem did NOT exisit before the new computer arrived. Would the router have a firewall that could be the problem? If so, how does one disable it? Are there other problems about which I'm unaware that might be the problem? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, especially since I'll want to post photos from the mountains.
Happy Thanksgiving to all...The gratitude list I have going is way too long to post...I'm just grateful for anything and everything (except computer problems).
Friday, November 16, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I recently read the following excerpt about Scorpio women and found it to pretty much sums up my two:
"The Scorpio woman has great charm, allure, and inner strength, and is able to overcome most any obstacle in life. She comes across as self-confident and self-possessed and men are drawn to her for that reason. There is a mysterious quality about the Scorpio woman because she is intensely private, discrete and secretive. Soon she will learn everything about you, but later you will realize that she hasn't given you many details about herself--that's Scorpio's natural reticence.
Finally, the operative word to best understand your Scorpio is "passion." One Scorpio once said to me that passion was the single most important ingredient in life, that is, to be passionate about one's loved ones, one's career, one's lifestyle, for without passion, what kind of life would we have in the end?"
Happy birthday to Eliza and Bobbi, two passionate women who live their lives to the fullest. They love each other dearly, have a great time together, and fill our family's life with joy and happiness. The photo says it all!

Friday, November 09, 2007
Historically, when I am "tagged" by the retrograde energy, things around the house go haywire, i.e., appliances stop working, unexpected expenses abound, the check engine light in the car comes on and won't go off, etc. For me, this time around, it's been all about a leak in my water line somewhere between the top of the driveway to my house (a distance of a tenth of a mile or so) that no one can tell me how to fix short of digging up the entire line. It's been about unexpected bills that have appeared from nowhere, lost checks, and computer glitches.
But the culmination of my retrograde moments happened this morning as I was walking out to the car at 6:45 in an attempt to get to the office early to complete some work. I "bulls-eyed" a huge pile of dog caca in my brand new shoes that have grated rubber soles. I couldn't have made a more perfect landing in the middle of this pile of s*&@ if I had intentionally tried. I had to take tooth picks covered with paper towels to dig out the poop from the various grooves in the soles of my shoes. How's that for starting off one's day???
To make a long story short, I arrived at work an hour later with a clean but still very smelly shoe. I've walked around school all day in my trouser sock feet.
(You might ask why I didn't just change shoes and leave the cleaning for later..??..Well, I was determined to wear these new shoes on a day when I had only a few classes to teach so I could break them in without having to wear them on a full-scheduled day. )
So, my thought at the moment is that I'll stop by the store on the way home, pick up a bottle of wine, and have a glass or two on the deck, toasting the supposed end of Mercury's crazy cycle and hoping like the dickens that the plumber who's going to call in the morning is a heck of a dowser!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
According to the study, people with a moderate amount of extra body fat are actually healthier and tend to bounce back from illnesses quicker than the "skinny Minnies" of the world. DUH!!!
The moderately chubby group were also described as being happier, more upbeat people that the emaciated 0% body fat clan. DUH !!!
My mom, an RN from the Clara Barton days, and my grandmom, age 106 and the mother of 10 children who lives back in the "holler" in Pigeon Roost, NC, could have told the researchers that at a fraction of the cost spent in this clinical study.
So, here's to a little body fat and a happier, healthier life! Treat yourself to a couple of pieces of chocolate today! :0) :0)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
1. I had to have a repairman in to work on the furnace. Cost: $293.00
2. Car insurance came due. Cost: $300.00
3. Mortgage payment time rolls around: Cost: More than I care to divulge. (The thought that I'm paying for the farm a second time doesn't put me in a great mood.)
4. I had to get two new tires for the car before I travel in the next week. Cost: $160.00
5. The water company reported I have a leak in my water line somewhere between the house and the end of the driveway. Cost: $1,000 minimum and possibly as much as 5 times that. (I'm trying really hard not to cry about this!)
6. We had an unexpected but necessary trip to the vet. Cost: $104.00
Note: With the exception of car insurance / mortgage, the above items were not included in this month's budget and far exceed my fairly meager catastrophe savings fund.
Then there's the trip to Indianapolis next week to see Eliza in the Grand National competition with the high school band. Cost: $400.00 (minimum)
And next month, it's Christmas. Cost (including gas for travel / gifts etc.) $500.00 (minimum)
(Thank goodness I've done some shopping along the way and have found some great gifts at thrift stores.)
And, both Samuel and Eliza have birthdays here at the end of the year. Cost: $150 (mimimum)
Now, if I add up all the expenses I've mentioned,(note again: those do NOT include monthly bills), the amount of cash flowing out of my checking account, pocket, and change jars far exceeds the amount coming in from my TWO jobs.
(Advice to anyone considering a career in teaching: THINK TWICE!! MANY of my former students leave college and enter their first job at a salary that far surpasses what I make with 31 years of experience and lots of nice professional awards.)
So, I ask myself, what really is the high thought here?
1. It's yet another opportunity to trust in the Universe. (I just wish I could get to the point of not panicking when the "trust" opportunities come my way.)
2. I probably qualify for a loan.
3. It's yet another opportunity for me to take a look at my relationship with money and my fear of not having enough of it. (Oh, how I love to take a look at that one over and over!)
4. I can probably pick up a third job. I can wash dishes or wait tables if necessary.
5. It's yet another opportunity to realize that I am safe, that I will be cared for, that the Universe will look out for me.
6. I'm healthy and happy, making it possible for me to get past the momentary glitches with a smile on my face. (I really, really am trying!)
7. It's yet another opportunity for me to take a close look at those things for which I am deeply grateful. (I'm doing my exercise gratitude lists as I write this.)
8. Many people love me, and I love many people.
9. It's yet another opportunity for me to realize I'm intelligent enough to figure out how to best work this financial snafu out.
10. If I created this reality, I can recreate something better.
So, if the Creator / the Goddess / the Great Orchestrator of the Universe just happens to read my blog, please know that I'm learning whatever the lesson of the moment is and it's really very OK not to send anymore stuff my way. Let me process this for now, and I'd be really, really grateful for a break, AND I'll do my best to share all I can with others.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Namasté and Peace to all...
PS: I am totally open to receiving a winning lottery ticket.
Monday, November 05, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It is because of Dr. Biscet's case that I became so interested in human rights work on behalf of political prisoners in Cuba. It is through a pursuit of information on Dr. Biscet that I met Laida Carro, a woman who works tirelessly on behalf of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Cuba. And, it is with Laida that I began to work in human rights affairs and still stay busy translating articles, organizing conferences, and talking to people around the world about the tragic situation Cuban political prisoners and prisoners of conscience suffer in Cuba. My heart rejoices in the fact that Laida will be present at the White House for the award ceremony. She, more than anyone, brought his situation into the world spotlight. She is devoted to his cause. In fact, Laida is solely responsible for arranging for Dr. Biscet's daughter, who currently lives in Virginia, to receive the award on his behalf.
My interest in Oscar ElÃas Biscet González began about 10 years ago when one of my students came across information about him while doing research on a project for my fifth quarter Spanish class. The more I read about this man, who is a student of Gandi, Martin Luther King, and other advocates of non-violent civil disobedience, the more I wanted to know about what had landed him in jail in Cuba. I read incessantly about his struggle as a voice for human rights for the Cuban people, and I learned that he had had the courage to publish a report on Rivanol, a drug used to produce spontaneous abortions in women so that fetal tissue could be used in research. Laida happened to be the person who translated the report and got it to the United Nations. And, as one would anticipate, shortly thereafter, Biscet was barred from practicing medicine and began receiving intense harassment from the Cuban authorities. Ultimately, he was arrested for attending a meeting of human rights activists and supposedly for flying the Cuban flag upside down.
At present, Dr. Biscet still remains in prison outisde of Havana. Because he has become an international symbol of opposition to the Castro regime, prison authorities have moved him from solitary confinement, and he is receiving a little better treatment than before. Until recently, he was housed in a very small cell with no light, no running water, and a hole in the floor to be used for bathroom purposes. There were many occasions when the prison sewer backed up through that hole, and he his cell floor was covered with human waste. He was given putrid food through a slot in the bottom of his cell door, and he lived with rats invading his cell at any given hour. At one point, he was not allowed any reading or writing material and never got to leave his cell to go outside in the sun.
A healthy man when he went into prison, Biscet now suffers from a myriad of problems. He's lost almost all his teeth to a nasty gum disease, and he has everything from high blood pressure to pretty severe intestinal problems. Despite physical and psychological torture, he remains firm about not wearing the uniform of the common prisoner as dictated by Cuban penal code, and he refuses to participate in prison "education." In short, he's a real pain in the rear end for the Cuban government.
I know Dr. Biscet would consider this award as one that represents the Cuban people and their struggle rather than his own. He's a humble man of great faith and courage, a person I foresee as a key figure in the future of his country.
So again, I have to say thanks to George W. Bush. Regardless of any political motive he attaches to this award, for the Cuban people and especially for the political prisoners and prisoners of conscience who are heinously mistreated in Cuban prisons, the award is a great source of strength and hope.
Gracias, Señor Presidente.
Sunday, October 28, 2007

It was not until last evening that BK has ever considered changing his batchelor status, but the minute he finally walked into the house, the woman of his dreams strolled in (somewhat feebly) from the kitchen. Despite a few hugs along the way, nothing came of his many efforts to woo the "old wretch." BK finally concluded her rejection was a blessing in disguise once she confessed to owning stock in McDonald's.

Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007

And, I just threw in a shot of the sassafras tree along the fence line. The sun reflecting off its leaves this afternoon was BRILLIANT!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So, for the time being, I'm giving up and going to bed.
Buenas noches...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007
~Went to the flea market, Salvation Army, and Goodwill with Dr. Tom Saturday morning
~Watched the Warren High School Warriors Marching Band at the Band-o-rama Competition in Marietta. Eliza's grace and beauty on the field is awesome!

~Took a few photos downtown
~Went to the flea market with Dr. Tom again this morning
~Helped a friend move some furniture this afternoon
That's all folks...
Friday, October 12, 2007
~ kitten play
~Rink's, Salvation Army, and Goodwill on Saturday morning with Dr. Tom
~office laughter with Mary Ann
~kitten play
~text messages from my beloveds
~fall mornings and evenings
~music (highly recommended on-line listening: http://www.radioparadise.com/)
~my mom's voice
~a long, hot shower
~kitten play
Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's interesting this fall. First of all, everyone's talking about the heat and lack of rain. The trees are beginning to turn, but I don't anticipate vivid colors this year. As it would appear, the leaves are just going to turn brown and fall off. There is little color in the side yard maple leaves, and on my walk the other day, I noticed even the poplar and sycamore leaves were not the brilliant yellow one normally sees at this time of year. My old friend of many years ago, Mr. Henry Miller, would have had some words of wisdom about these weird weather days, I'm sure. He talked about climate changes and global warming long before the topic became so up front.

In other farm news, I spent a good bit of time last evening on the internet in search of ideas for my Halloween costume this year, and I think I've got a good one! In fact, I can pull it off with an appropriate mask (which I found) and a couple of trips to Goodwill. I'm stoked! Two years ago, my aging Elvis costume won a prize at Beth and Sherm's party, and I hope to be in the running this year. I'm not giving ANY clues. My few blog readers will just have to wait for a photo. Of course, for the children at the college day care, I'll be a witch....a nice witch, as always.
My internet surfing last night also landed some great sites for Christmas gifts. All I'm going to say is that when Mary Ann saw them in the office today, she laughed big time. In fact, I think we're going in together on a couple for some of our campus celebrities. I love funny, corny gifts, and I think I've scored!
Tomorrow's Friday, thank goodness!! I'm so looking forward to a couple of days at home.
I apologize for yet another lame post....There's just not a lot in the super exciting category happening around The Farm these days....
Love and thanks to all who read my ramblings.....T.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

(Reena, a friend of Chintu's--Isn't she beautiful?)
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Dr. Tom and I have been going to flea markets and the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Saturday mornings lately, and I've found some nice things for really good prices. With Dr. T.'s assistance, I'm trying to learn about antique glass and pottery. Last week I got a plate for $1.99 and found it on the internet priced at $45.00. I think I'm hooked. Maybe I'll become an addicted E-bay seller.
Clousseau and Cato are not good bed pals. It's like having two kids around. When they decide to play, i.e., attack my feet, mess around with my hair, jump with full force onto my stomach, there's no rest for the weary. I think they'll be sleeping outside pretty soon.
It's hot!! I'm not a fan of winter, but 90 degrees in October is a bit much. And, on top of that, it's frightfully dry! I'd like several days of steady rain and cooler temperatures.
I'm already tired of the politic-ing for the 2008 elections. It would be nice if we could vote right now, get GWBush out of the White House, and move on. I'm voting for Ms. Potato Head. (see past blog posts)
This is one of my favorite new blogs (also located on my blog list): Bent Objects
That's it for now....Stay tuned....Namasté
Friday, October 05, 2007
I'd like to learn the salsa really well.
I'd like to meet and hang out with the Dalai Lama.
I'd like to have a home in Cuba, the Southwest, the mountains of North Carolina, somewhere in Europe, and perhaps Nepal..and other places...
I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the room wherever it is that Castro's convalescing.
I'd like to be wealthy.
I'd like to share my wealth with others.
I'd like to be in the Olympics, as a figure skater, maybe in ice dancing.
I'd like to join the Peace Corps.
I'd like to swim with dolphins.
I'd like to play in a symphony...percussion section, of course.
I'd like not to have to wear clothes.
(Secret Confessions is a Mary Ann idea.... And now I've 'fessed up.....Who's next? It's really fun thinking...If you don't have a blog, you can leave an anonymous comment on mine...)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Off to class....eergh!
Monday, October 01, 2007
I realized some time back my camera seemed a bit frail. After all, it's two years old, has taken 1,000's of shots, has been dropped several times, and has been transported all over the world in a lousy, non-cushioned camera case. And, quite frankly, I've been thinking of upgrading so I can reproduce larger photos nicely.
So, I just ordered a new camera, an 8 megapixel Canon PowerShot A680. I like Canons, and I don't think the learning curve with this one will be too much of a challenge. I feel like I need another camera's worth of experience before I really take the plunge for a fine, professional-type, top-of-the line, spend-more-money-than-I-have -now camera.
It should be here in the next couple days, so I'm forward to shooting zillions of photos this coming weekend.
PS: Apologies to my readers, whoever you are / wherever you are...This is a totally boring post... I'm just sitting at the computer and thinking about customizing my blog, but I'm chicken to go ahead and do so because I have no idea what I'm getting in to or what the consequences of my lack of expertise could produce...Mary Ann, I need help!
And, does anyone know how to post slideshows on a blog? Do I have to have Picasa, Flickr, or something similar?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I can well remember the days of Samuel and Andrew watching "Big Bird Goes to Japan." Now big Andrew's in Japan, and his adventures will surely be worth the read!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
There have been events in my life I would have never predicted....things like divorce....the untimely death of close friends....unforeseen opportunities that seemingly pop up out of nowhere...the arrival of amazing, new people in my life...Shifts happen, for better or worse, and they become a part of the process of our greater knowledge... the acceptance of our human-ness... lessons in forgiveness (particularly of ourselves)..... giant steps toward understanding... greater compassion and love.
I truly believe that every one of us is exactly where we are right now as a result of our own creation in the overall journey of what is it that we have to learn this time around as incarnate beings on the planet. Sometimes we are in co-creation with others in our lives, but even then, we construct the events that determine of our happiness (or lack thereof) and life direction. This notion is rejected and denied by many; the idea that we create every aspect of our reality intimidates even the most "intelligent" among us because it requires us to assume responsibility for everything that plays out in our lives and erase blame...It's so easy to pass the buck!
But, I really like the idea that only I create my life...I find it empowering and very, very humbling....I want to be in charge of my life..I want no one else determining my path....If I am in co-creation with another, I want my part of that creation to be positive and life affirming. not crippling or stifling. I enjoy and celebrate my power as the one who designs my life, and I am humbled the Universe guides me and allows me to grow. If I get stuck along the way, it's my task to get unstuck. If I experience injustice or unfairness in my life, it's my job to fix it. If I find myself in an unpleasant situation or relationship, then I must decide how to best remedy the situation.... It's not just me....everyone has choices and the power to create and define his/her life.
So, why do some people have such difficulty actualizing happiness? Why do they seem to be cemented in darkness, fear, unhappiness, manipulation, and the like? Why can't people escape the chains that bind them? Why do they allow themselves to be a slave to others?
I understand there are no simple answers. I understand a lifetime of behavioral patterns imprinted and embedded in our subconscious can seem insurmountable and very intimidating when it comes time to face them and initiate a change. Creating change in one's life is not an easy task. My compassion for those who are "stuck" in suffocating situations is HUGE, regardless of whether the suffocation is a result of emotional distraught, an unbalanced relationship, or a series of hard knocks.
But, I do believe everyone has the capacity to find freedom and happiness in his/her life. It's our choice to be happy or not...It's within our power to find laughter and love....It's our birthright as divine manifestations on the planet to love our lives.
My wish tonight is that we all grow in greater understanding of the sacredness of our existence and learn to acknowledge the gifts life has to offer, especially those of happiness and love.
(I dedicate this post to a friend with whom I had unexpected contact last week and who, I believe, deserves a world of happiness he/she has yet to manifest in his/her life.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I contemplated the drought during my celebration of the equinox over the weekend. Supposedly, it's a time of balance as we move into Libra....a time of equal light and dark, a celebration of the harvest yielded from our gardens, a time to bring the summer's work to an end and prepare for rest during the approaching cold, winter months. In my personal world, I feel balance and equilibrium for the most part. But as I listen to the screech owls howl, the hawks scream from above, and the coyotes in song at night, I wonder what they're sensing. They, much more than we humans, must feel the incredible Earth changes that are taking place now.
My hope is for a steady, lasting rain to come tomorrow.
On a lighter note, Eliza had a wonderful, perfect Homecoming evening with her date and friends. She looked so, so beautiful and radiant, and her boyfriend seems like he's a really, really good guy. I was very impressed with the ease with which he met and talked to me and with the courtesy and gentleman-ness with which he treated / treats Eliza. That girl has a pretty wonderful ability to magnetize and manifest good things in her life! Aren't they a "cute" couple?
And continuing on a lighter note, "catspunk" (a term invented by Brett) abounds in the house these days as Clousseau and Cato bounce around with unlimited energy. They make me laugh until I cry, and their antics almost always lead to some sort of blunder. Just like children, they play until they collapse, sleep a bit, and get up for another round of chase, attack, and wrestle. Clousseau is a bit larger and a little more coordinated and independent than Cato, but in the last couple of days, Cato has caught Clousseau off guard at the most opportune moments, and he's landed a few good blows. I have made a couple of videos of them on my camera, but so far, I haven't been successful at downloading them on my blog. I will keep trying, however. For the moment, here's a photo I took tonight.

I'm off to shower all the sweat rolling down my body...Peace to all Namasté readers..And, infinite love from The Farm....Love life!