Here at the farm, the crocuses have come and gone...The daffodils are in full bloom- perhaps a bit sparcer in number this year, but trumpeting the arrival of spring nonetheless...From the deck, the forsythia glow brillantly yellow, and the little grape hyacinths add their pretty purple to the little bed near the barn...The lilacs, rhododendron, flaming azalea, crab apple,and roses are sprouting new growth. Buds will soon open! I've gotten broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, kale, and cabbage in the ground, and just today, I noticed some tiny volunteer sunflowers pushing up through the ground in the bed off the garage. The farm tractor has had its spring tune-up; the first mowing frenzy took place yesterday! And, the old garden plot in the field below the barn has been plowed and awaits planting for the first time in ten years. I saw my first butterfly of the season today as I was adding brush to the ever-growing brush pile, and shortly thereafter, a bat flew over~~I always remember my friend, Mr. Henry Miller, at this time of year---"Tanya, when the Earth comes alive, we come alive with it!" And truly we do...

Let's see....News from the farm crew...Brett and Betsy stopped in a few weeks back. Betsy's a farm natural, and the happiness those two radiated continues to warm my heart. Meera paid a surprise visit last weekend. She's planning her next move--graduate school at either Yale or Berkeley in Non-Profit Management, and then on to the next wonderful adventure. Via James, I hear that Dana made a presentation that was brilliant at a conference in Chicago. James has a blog that I check into frequently. As soon as I learn to make links, I'll have his blog address posted on my blog. James, I'm working on it! :0) Lori called from Maui last night, and as we can all imagine, life in Hawaii leaves little to be desired. She's gotten a full-time position as a nanny with a really cool family whose mom is into aqua cranial sacral ..After Lori's first treatment in the ocean with dolphins swimming all around, Lori said she basically experienced heaven. I want to try! Joe and Elissa are back in Athens and already busy beyond belief with grad school stuff...A year from now, those guys will be graduating, and all of us will be celebrating with them. Bobbi and Isabella are currently spending spring break in Washington, DC. Bob's recuperation from getting banged in the chin with a Pilates bar and the subsequent concussion that she didn't realize she had was a little unexpected challenge to deal wtih recently, but we all know how Bobbi just takes things in stride, gets her acupuncture and Chinese herbs, and gets well. Eliza, right fielder and sometimes left fielder for the Warren Elementary Panther softball team, asked me to report that she's been walked every time she's been at bat so far, but as a result of getting on base, she has scored four runs. We purchased her promotion dress (June 1 @ 7PM)...She looks quite stunning in her ensemble--dress, shawl, earrings, necklace, bracelet, and shoes with a heel that I would last on about 5 seconds. Samuel plans to work in NC this summer as an intern at a winery about 45 minutes from Boone. I don't know the name of the place, but he says it's the second largest winery on the East Coast. (I'm requesting a couple of bottles for safe keeping at the farm). Since the internship lasts only one month, I'm assuming that he'll stay in NC and get a job as a server at some upscale place around the Boone / Blowing Rock area. He's been a busy guy this semester!
What has Tanya been doing? Teaching, keeping my fingers in human rights activities, organizing things on campus, mowing, planting, hauling brush, attempting to get ahead of things here at the farm. Last weekend, long-time friends, Michael Burnham, Barbara Wolf, and Glenn Singer (all from Indian Summer Festival days) were in town for a Storytelling Festival. What a great time hanging out at the farm with those guys...stayed up to talk until 3AM, laughed, walked around the farm, laughed some more, caught up on the last 15 years ! since they were last here....What an incredible big-time love connection we shared! I've been on a high all week....
As I am outdoors enjoying the longer days and the colors that spring continues to bring our way, I am in constant awe of the love connection we all share here at the farm. I see and sense all of you in the all that is thriving and preparing to blossom and grow here..Know that no matter where you are, we are all together here.
Infinite love, happiness, and peace....
Above: Goddess invoking the April rains so that all will blossom and thrive - from the Llewellyn Witches' Calendar
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